Valediction Ceremony
Friday, September 25, 2020
Funeral Mass in the Dominican Church of Saint Nicholas in Gdansk. In the presbytery of this church, Sabina and Jacek confessed their love. In the same place, their sons were baptized into the Christian community and received a new life. There was also a photo of smiling Kacper taken on his 24th birthday a few days earlier. It is the closed chapter of his life inscribed in the historic walls of this church. Lots of young faces. At the opening, in silence, the piercing singing of Lidka Buksak was heard, ‘…where you are going you shouldn’t be afraid ...’ – the words of the song resonated…
Ref. Don't be afraid,
I am always with you
Follow me, follow me
I will let you rest.
1. You will walk in the barren desert,
But you will not die of thirst.
You will go far and safely
Though you will not know the way.
You will speak words to strangers
And they will understand you. You will see God's face and you will live.
2. Though you are walking through a troubled sea,
You will not drown in its waves.
Even though you are walking walk among fiery flames,
They won't hurt you.
Even if you faced power of hell and death
followed you all the time, know that I am always on your way.
3. Happy poor in spirit,
For your kingdom is.
Happy are those who weep for their fate,
Because you will be enjoying.
And when people hate you
Rejoice, everyone. I live, I live among you.
/Tadeusz Kostoń/
At the altar, a Mass is celebrated by Fr. PhD. Krzysztof Niedałtowski, in concelebration with Fr. PhD. Sławomir Czalej and Fr. Piotr Frey OP.
The liturgy of the word
The first reading was undertaken by Marysia, Kacper’s cousin. With a clear voice, she recalled the righteous who, having achieved perfection, died prematurely...
Reading from the Book of Wisdom 4: 7-15
The righteous, even if they die prematurely, will find rest. Old age is venerated not by longevity, and it is not measured by the number of years: people are gray with wisdom, and the measure of old age is undefiled life.
Because he was pleasing to God, he found His love, and while living among sinners, he was transferred. It was taken lest anger change his thoughts, or delusion seduce his soul: for the charm of vanity obscures good, and the storm of passion disturbs the righteous mind.
Having achieved perfection early, he lived many times. His soul was pleasing to God, so he hastened out of iniquity.
And the people were looking, and they did not understand, nor did they take it to heart, that grace and mercy on His elect and His saints is His providence. Here is the word of God. Faithful: Thanks be to God.
In the Responsorial Psalm, the words about green pastures are sung, giving rest to the soul and living in the house of the Lord...
Ref. I will not be afraid of evil because you are with me, (23 (22), l-2a. 2b-3. 4. 5. 6)
He is leading me in the right paths for his glory.
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
It allows me to lie in green pastures.
It leads me to the waters where I can rest, it refreshes my soul.
Even if I pass through a dark valley, I will not fear evil, because you are with me.
Your stick and your shepherd's staff are my consolation.
You set a table for me in front of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil, and my cup is full to the brim.
Kindness and grace will follow me all the days of my life
and I will live in the house of the Lord longest.
In the second reading, Kamil Bocheński from Murall/BlokFit emphasizes the fragment about rubbing the eyes of every tear, about the water of life given to the thirsty...
A reading from the Book of Revelation of Saint John the Apostle (21: l-5a. 6-7 11)
I, John, saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth have passed away and the sea is no more. And the Holy City - New Jerusalem - I saw descending from God from heaven, adorned as a bride adorned with jewels for her husband. And I heard a loud voice saying from the throne: "Behold, God's tabernacle with men, and he will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and he will be" God with them. " And he will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more. There will be no mourning, no shouting, and no trouble from now on, for the first things have passed away. And the one seated on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new." And he said to me: "It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give free drink to those who thirst from the spring of the water of life. The overcomer will inherit it, and I will be God to him, and he will be a son to me ”.
Here is the word of God.
Thanks be to God.
The Gospel, read in a calm voice by Fr. Piotr Frey evoked a place with many apartments.
A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John (Jn 14: 1-6)
Jesus said to his disciples: “Let not your hearts be troubled. Do you believe in God? And believe in me. There are many apartments in my Father's house. If it were not so, I would have told you. After all, I am going to prepare a place for you. And when I go away and prepare a place for you, I will come a second time and take you home so that you may be where I am. You know the way where I am going ”.
Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don't know where you are going. So how can we know the way? " Jesus answered him, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. " This is the word of the Lord.
Sermon by Fr. Krzysztof Niedałtowski on death, the greatest mystery of human life.
Death is always a tragedy. However, doubly when he takes a young man, of whom, it would seem, the whole life is ahead. However, God calls according to criteria unknown to us. Sometimes, someone is halfway there. We do not know His motivation, but as believers, we should recognize that there were good reasons for it.
From a human point of view, death is a scandal. We are rebelling against it. But we must admit that it is an inevitable culmination. Faith allows us to tame the absurd. Death is not the real end.
People have always struggled with the mystery of death. Is death really necessary? Couldn't we live forever on earth? This dream has been around since the dawn of the world: on the pages of the Old Testament in the form of a parable about a Jew, an eternal wanderer, who was perversely gifted for his sins - he could not lose his life. Ever older and weaker and weaker, he wanders endlessly among successive generations of people in anticipation of the end of the world. We find a similar story in ancient mythology. The goddess Eos asked Zeus to grant immortality to her beloved Titonos, who was a human. However, she forgot to ask for the gift of eternal youth, as a result of which the lover became an immortal old man. The goddess, unable to bear the suffering of her beloved, begged for pity on him. Eventually, Zeus turned Titonos into a cricket. It seems that eternal life in our present human condition will not bring us happiness, on the contrary it turns into an inevitable tragedy.
A truly happy eternal life is possible only among angels and saints, beyond death. Knowing about the sacrifice that our Lord Jesus Christ made on the cross for the salvation of each of us, we can reasonably hope that our brother Kacper has already gained real life and now enjoys joy and peace in the presence of God himself.
Holy Communion which many young people join...
I said goodbye to Kacper, hoping that as he was, he will still remain the Angel of our family.
At the exit, the canon of Taize, is sung a capella by Lidka, about the Lord who is the strength of his people and that with him you are not alone.
The Lord is the strength of his people,
The Lord is my song.
My shield and my strength
It's my God
I'm not alone.
In Him is my strength
I'm not alone.
There was silence in the chapel, only a coffin, which some would approach to say goodbye. Sabina, Jacek and Marceli stood by the coffin, hugging each other. Tymon was looking for a place for himself. He defended himself against showing despair after his brother passed away. Just before leaving, Fr. Sławek Czalej arrived and said funeral prayers, recalled baptism, and consecrated the body in the coffin. An unusual funeral procession got started. The closer it got to the grave, the bigger the procession rose, it reached all the way to the cemetery gate. Young, young, and young, only somewhere here and there gray heads ...
Moving, personal words of valediction. Fr. Sławek Czalej: … the most difficult moment is being laid to the grave. At this point, we would like to find meaning in such a short life of Kacper, as well as the resulting good. [...] I remember Kacper from his participation in lectures on photography at the University of Gdansk and during the Medionalia at the Gdansk University of Technology. When other listeners fell on the desks, only Kacper stayed engrossed in the story about the historiosophical aspects of the creation of photography. Finally, he asked whether a good photograph is the one that shows what is invisible, the one that seems to point at a reality that is still ahead of us, beyond the horizon. It was a brilliant observation. I still remember it today. He touched on what is not only photography, but also human life. It is a constant crossing of our imagination, extracting and searching for the likeness and image of God himself, in whose image we have been called into existence. Kacper was very close to this image of Christ, because photography was created thanks to Him. This similarity was revealed through the love relationship realized by Kacper in various ways. He was friendly, fraternal, teaching, and open to others. We can thank him for doing so much good in such a short life. And what had been cloaked in fog he can now see in full light. He came out of the shadow cave and sees the world we are headed to ...
Kamil Bocheński from Murall /BlokFit and Ola Stybor from Porzecze recalled Kacper as an unparalleled friend, always helpful and smiling.
The coffin was slowly lowered into the grave... They stood next to him strongly as a wall, the whole family: Sabina, Jacek, Tymon and Marceli. They were like a hand, without a finger. Jacek uttered their pain after his passing away. Then Tymon took the microphone and, addressing everyone, concluded with the hope that Kacper would remain in the memory of those young people... Silence...
When the beats of Kacper's favorite melody, which he listened to almost non-stop, sounded, a strong wind started up, trees bent sharply, leaves started to fall. Moving words about the desert, where you are the only one who knows your name, about a city with a heart of stone, about freedom, a river flowing along its bed ... When the last sounds faded, suddenly there was silence, the wind stopped...
Written by Andrzej Drzycimski
Farewell /
Grandfather Andrzej Drzycimski
Friday, September 25, 2020 at 10.00 am Mass, the Dominican Church of St. Nicholas
It was not supposed to be like that… I am paying my last respects to Kacper, my eldest grandson.
I am not sure if I manage to finish what I would like to say, so please excuse me.
Thank you all who are gathered here. Thank you all, known and unknown, who have been and are with us, offering yourselves, your help, your kindness, your phone calls, texts messages and really great prayer in whole Poland and abroad for His intention.
I’d like to thank the priests at the altar: Fr Krzysztof Niedałtowski,PhD who supported Sabina in the very first most difficult moment and Fr Sławomir Czalej, PhD for his consolations and prayers, as well as priests all over Poland and abroad for spiritual support and Masses celebrated for the intention of Kacper and his relatives. Let me convey my heartfelt thanks to Father Piotr. I want to thank the Dominicans for harbouring us for several decades, first my generation and then our children, which later on led Sabina and Jacek to the foot of this altar where they made their vows of love. And here, exactly in the same place, first Kacper, and then Tymon and Marceli were baptized into the Church. And at the beginning of their new life they received rosaries from Saint John Paul II.
And standing here in the same place I am saying goodbye to Kacper. He was the first of the brothers, endowed with the joy of the wise love of Sabina and Jacek who did their best to shape their sons in the freedom of choice coupled with responsibility. Our joy. Angel of the family. Angel of goodness. Calm, composed, helpful, beaming with a smile and a delicate wit. Growing up, excelling at overcoming his own weaknesses, attentively listening, searching for in-depth answers to the questions of his life, solving the complexities of the modern Internet.
For Sabina a support at home, a model for brothers, an experienced older brother, unsurpassed in the kitchen in composing the taste of dishes.
A partner and advisor to Jacek in the thicket of modern computer technology, sometimes in his professional absence, replacing him in the role of father. Teaching goodness.
Gently, like him, drawing Tymon on the path of life, sports rivalry and responsibility, even shaping him up to a mature brotherhood and then arranging with him joint plans for the future.
And to Marceli, whom he would hug while saying goodbye, and whom he prompted in need and passed on his experiences as well as his shaped passions. Kacper finally handed over all his photographic equipment that he had collected over the years to Marceli.
A model for the cousins: Marysia and Adaś, for them simply, just an older brother.
And on the brink of maturity, a great love - Natalia. Arranging their life together, plans, dreams ...
He had it all together. There was a space to study, work, help others, and improve in sport climbing.
And this Kacper, full of goodness, an evangelical righteous mind and barely open paths in life, was suddenly snatched from it. He crossed over to the other, mysterious side of the shadow for us.
Be our Angel, caring for us as you’ve done so far, but there from above, although you are leaving us in sadness and despair, we do hope that, as usual, you will welcome us with your gentle smile.
See you wearing your climbing shoes. Goodbye and see you at Father's house, where there are many apartments.
Lord, give him eternal rest. Amen.
Farewell / Kamil Bocheński
September 25 Srebrzysko Cemetery
Dear Family, Dear Friends and All Gathered,
On behalf of the team of workers and the whole climbing wall community of Murall (formerly BlokFit) I want to convey to everyone here that Kacper was such a great guy!
For some of us, Kacper was a great climbing companion, president of a student climbing club or a kindhearted colleague.
For some of us, Kacper was a wonderful friend, a homie - even a brother.
For some people Kacper was an EXTREMELY respected employee who was not afraid to undertake any, even the most demanding task from creating climbing routes to programming 3-dimensional visualizations.
For others, he was a fantastic coach. He had a fantastic approach to caring for both the youngest and older climbers.
For EVERYONE, though, he was always a SMILING, good and helpful person.
Murall/BlokFit - for Kacper, it was not only a place of work, but above all a place of realization of a huge sports passion which he shared with everyone around - starting with his brothers.
Kacper smoothly intertwined everyday duties, studies and work with climbing practice. He could also spend long hours in the club preparing for his classes. Whenever I close my eyes I can see him always smiling intelligently, with that gleam in his eye, sitting with a laptop and a coffee at the bar ...
BlokFit/Murall was an important and unique place for you.
You also were important and unique for the whole team, for our entire community.
We will keep you in our memory!
Rest in peace, Friend!
Farewell / Ola Stybor
Srebrzysko Cemetary, Friday, September 25, 2020
Ladies and Gentlemen, My Dear Friends,
My name is Ola Stybor and I am a friend of a Frenchman. Where does the nickname come from? It's easy to guess.* We knew each other from Porzecze. Together with Opos, Tymon, Kondzio, and later on Rysio we went there to camps, mid-year courses and to work as educators. We walked with a map together, stayed overnight in the woods, we climbed and played together, complained, poured sweat and stayed awake until 4am.
How do we remember the Frenchman? Nothing was too much trouble for him, whether it was inventing LARPA in one evening or making lasagna at two in the morning and eating it with jam. We also often asked each other how it was possible that everything worked out for the French. How is it that although he is so chaotic in his manner of being, all he did was ultimately exactly as it should be? It is possible that the apparent chaos concerned only the communication level.
We all know his characteristic way of speaking. For the uninitiated, let me add that when he was writing, we also often wondered what he meant.**
The French always had an idea, and even when he did not have one, he could pretend he did, and in a moment he came up with a solution. Maybe this was what made working with him so comfortable and safe. Nothing bad will happen, because the French is with us. The French simply figures everything out. You could always count on the French, not only as a partner at work but also as a friend. He was selflessly helpful and thoroughly honest, also in board games. He always found time to meet us, to practise azimuth walking for the hundredth time, or watch Star Trek.
The French was always there. And because he was always there, we will miss him all the more now.
Thank you.
*Kacper had slight ‘French’ “R” pronunciation
**Kacper had a strong dyslexia
Farewell / Parents
September 25 Srebrzysko Cemetery
Kacper, you're gone! You left a huge crater behind you!
We were like one hand with five fingers. Now one of them soared up somewhere.
But the hand stayed!
You had many passions: cooking, survival, photography and your latest beloved rock climbing.
You were also the best brother ever present in the lives of Tymon and Marceli.
You had a great gift of kindness that radiated around you.
You are not there, but the kindness and love of people around help us to survive the next days.
There are no words to thank you for it all.
One can only say that, my dear son, out of your tragic Death the goodness is being born.
Sabina, Jacek, Tymon, Marceli
Acknowledgement / For Family and Friends of the late Kacper Kukier
We express our gratitude for organizing the collection of donations for Fr. E. Dutkiewicz Hospice for Children and Adults. SAC during the funeral of the late Kacper Kukier.
Thank you for your sensitivity and solidarity towards the sick, shown in such a difficult time for you.
Anna Janowicz
President of the Hospice Foundation with the team
September 30, 2020
During the collection, over PLN 7,000 was collected, which was donated to the children's hospice.
Letter / Antek Karbowiak
Hi Uncle,
I was organizing a flight to Poland to be sure that I could come on Friday, so I'm writing only now. We'll probably meet there, but now I also just wanted to say a few words to you and Auntie.
I can't imagine how hard it must be for you now, but that's probably what everyone says - I was very lucky that I had spent many unforgettable moments of my childhood with Kacper, even a birthday together, so I prefer to focus on these positive thoughts. Because Kacper was like that, always optimistic. One of the memories that always comes back to me is how well Kacper was able to find himself in any complicated situation. When, during one of the first editions of Porzecze, we were left in the forest with a map and a compass, he immediately managed to calmly stop and think about the situation, and then find a solution. For me it was incomprehensible then, but I often thought of this moment as a symbol of Kacper's life, who never panicked and could solve any problem. It seems to me that Kacper matured faster than I did, and many times I was full of admiration for how he sees life. He rarely bothered how someone else might judge him and walked towards his goal.
When I mention the goal, I remember how many there were. Kacper was interested in photography, cooking, survival and many other topics that he quickly absorbed. But I guess it runs in the family because Tymon has also gone through his life like a storm. I also remember well Kacper's spelling mistakes. This was because he sent me his physics and math homework so often, which he always understood better than I did. I am not surprised that he chose this career path, and I think it is very rare for a person who is talented in these fields to have such a creative and artistic mind at the same time.
We all shared many of these memories together on trips, outings and dinners. For this I am very grateful to you and Kacper. I cannot express how sorry I am, but then I smile because the only thing that comes to my mind is how warm and kind person Kacper was. I am sure that all the people who had the opportunity to get to know him better think the same way. I am still trying to be as responsible and brave as Kacper was in some areas of my life. Instead of panicking, I try to stop, pull out my compass and map, and find a solution. Exactly as Kacper showed it to me many times.
I embrace you with warmth, I join in regret and wish you strength and perseverance. See you soon.
Letter of Ms Lucyna Kupper
to Parents
Good morning,
This is really a small thing that I could do in remembrance of Kacper. (translation of the song "Horse with no name")
Kacper is and will always be one of the coolest young people I have met in my work. He was distinguished by his delicate and unobtrusive personality. He was knowledgeable about a wide variety of topics and made progress in English quickly. Last time I saw him bring Marcel. Kacper came in to talk a little bit. It was very kind of him.
I pray for him every day. I know that he touched many people with his goodness and that Good God will bring even greater good out of this tragedy.
Lucyna Kupper
Condolences / Mayor of Gdańsk
To: Krystyna and Andrzej Drzycimski
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Drzycimski
It is with sadness that I have received the news of the death of your grandson Kacper Kukier. There is no way to prepare for any death, especially when it comes too early. The death of a beloved grandson is a painful experience full of grief, wrongs and despair - striking the heart itself. After the loss of loved ones, we need love, respect, understanding, but also union in grief. We lack simple, prosaic situations, banal gestures, a smile or the voice of a loved one.
It is difficult to find words of consolation, especially when such a young person dies, who could still achieve a lot and live his life to the full. Time will not heal all wounds, it can only bring solace. For believers in God, there is hope of eternity, for others the value is the good that we leave behind on earth. "I will not all die," Horacy wrote. I firmly believe that as long as we keep a memory of a man in our mind, he has not gone forever.
Please accept my sincerest condolences to you and all your loved ones who have been affected by this loss.
... My daughter Zosia remembers Kacper (Frenchman) as a wonderful instructor and caregiver during the camps in Porzecze...
I am with you and your loved ones in prayer.
Aleksandra Dulkiewicz,
Mayor of Gdansk
Varia collected /
Grandfather Andrzej Drzycimski
Bogusia Negowska (forester's wife)
Kacper first came to the forester's house in Czarne when he was seven years old. Bogusia was surprised that such a toddler picked at every dish. She was even wondering what a strange kid he was. After the meal he kept asking what was added to it and then he himself flawlessly reeled off all the spices and additives. Kacper and Tymon loved Mrs. Bogusia’s pancakes with berries or cottage cheese, with a thick sauce, from eggs whipped rigidly with sugar. They made bets who would eat more pancakes. Kacper was unbeatable.
He could observe nature closely, he was passionate about the forest. In doing so, he saw something that escaped the attention of others. Sometimes it was the shape of a water lily flower, the twirled tip of the coastal old pine, hoofprints of forest game, a flowing beaver across the lake, the smell of smoke from a burning campfire... He became a favourite of Mrs. Bogusia, who would tenderly talk about him: my Kacperek, even when he was already an adult man. And such did he remain for her until the last, short visit. And there was always a place for him in the forester's house. She came to the funeral with her daughter, with flowers interlaced with forest heather and paradise apples growing next to the forester.
Basia Gryglewska (frequent guest of the forester in Czarne, doctor)
On the news of his death she wrote in a text message that he was an interesting boy. She could see that he was passionate about photography. Once, during the birthday of Piotr, her husband, celebrated in 2007 in Czarne, Kacper had a camera on him and everyone asked him to take pictures. In fact, Kacper took them, but he was only interested in the cake, which he photographed from all sides, completely skipping the guests. She was fascinated that only 11-year-old boy paid so much attention to cake details.
Elżbieta Czarzasta (doctor holistically caring for almost the whole family)
‘’So many years have passed, and I remember him being brought to me injured, cut by a falling glass in a cottage at a sports camp. I checked it, and it looked serious, a dozen stitches, including an undercut tendon of a big toe. I ordered the injection. The sad ten-year-old, without any complaint, asked his grandmother and Lucyna:
- Is there anyone in this family who will support me?”
Whenever he came to her later on, as an adult male asking for some medications, he accepted only natural ones.
In the nationwide, fifth edition of the TopboT competition (2011), a team of six from St. John de la Salle Junior High School, faced 20 teams of high school students from all over Poland. The final was held in Gdansk. The teams participating in the competition had to program a robot able to solve two set tasks flawlessly. The highest score allowed the team to move to the third, final stage. It was only then, just before the final presentation that the teams received previously unknown tasks, requiring them to demonstrate their programming skills and quickly solve the problems encountered. During the final, their programmed Lego robot suddenly stopped over. Within seconds they had to make a decision what to do. It turned out that one of the elements had to be replaced with a new one. In the team, everyone's hands were shaking, only Kacper kept his composure and stayed calm. After the competition, smiling at home, he commented only:
- Well, so simply, I took it in my hands, replaced the part and the robot went on.
They won the competition and were guaranteed to participate in a global rally in the United States sponsored by NASA. Unfortunately, there was a lack of money for airfare and maintenance.
From an early age he went to survival camps: Zaroślak, Fyrsta, and then Porzecze. When Kacper turned eighteen, together with Tymon, they did a one-year survival course called "Quartering", after which Kacper was entrusted with the care of children.
Kacper, smiling, kind, and widely liked was always prepared for his activities, especially with the youngest, and also with adolescent youth. In a small notebook he left his short instructor records of prepared activities and field games. Everyone was clinging to him. When children’s stay at the camp came to an end their waiting parents could sometimes witness surprising pictures when suddenly, in front of them, their children jumped into Kacper’s arms. Holding him tightly they arranged the camp for the next year ...
He helped anyone who turned to him. The best, however, he was at solving the intricacies of the Internet. He meticulously analysed the capabilities of computers and mobile phones. He became a family expert with all kinds of advanced settings, repairs and purchases of electronic and sports equipment.
He also surprised others by the decisions he spoke of so simply as something quite obvious. He barely turned eighteen when he became an honorary blood donor. His ID card says that he donated one litre of blood. Kacper regretted that he could no longer do that but Lyme disease, which he had contracted during forest expeditions, prevented him from helping those in need.
At the interned guard reunion (2014), I asked Kacper, who was a photography enthusiast, to take pictures of our celebration. He had a great camera, yet from the rise where I stood, I saw how reluctant he was to approach people. He even avoided taking close-up photos as if he didn't want to look in people’s faces, to violate their privacy. Instead, he took an excellent profile picture when one of his friends, kneeling in front of a board with our names, searched for his own. It became the flagship, but Kacper refused to sign it.
From an early age, he tried his hand at many sports, excelling at them just to give them up and look for new challenges. There was hockey, taekwondo, fencing, tennis, swimming, skiing, snowboarding, windsurfing, bike... and bicycle had become his means of transport for years. Both brothers followed in his footsteps trying their hand at various sports as well, a little imitating and a little infected with passion. This year Tymon covered the route from Cracow to Gdansk on his bike in two and a half days. Marceli became fond of tennis and practices it at the same club as Kacper did. Actually, it was Tymon who benefited the most, as he was pulled in by Kacper and together they went on night orienteering marches and other survival expeditions in Kashubian forests. What has remained are Kacper’s carefully arranged ‘blind’ plans, received at the start in a briefcase with the inscription: Maps. Kacper’s only unfulfilled dream was to fly on a paraglider.
Although his greatest passion was wall climbing he also learned the secrets of rock climbing. He went to the Cracow Jura and Karkonosze (the Giant Mountains) or somewhere in the Czech Republic. BlokFit and then Murall/BokFit became his second home. He went there at different times of the day, even at night. Also, on the evening of September 16, he rode his bike there to climb the wall for a little rest after work. The place where he felt really good, where he met those he wanted to talk to. Looking for some peace and quiet, he also turned Murall/BlokFit into a place of work and study. Even coffee tasted better there... Kacper introduced the ins and outs of climbing to the youngest, young and those in their late fifties. He was able to draw many of them into this sport. He also managed to encourage Tymon, who occasionally at the beginning, though, passionately later on followed in his brother's footsteps, and now, already in Cracow, conducts independent classes. Marceli also often went to BlokFit to practice climbing under Kacper's supervision.
Kacper constantly improved his climbing technique even after an accident when falling off the wall he broke the bones of his left forearm. Soon after their fusion, he continued sports climbing. In the notebook, he would write out the importance of individual muscles at subsequent grabs and exercises to activate them. However, it turned out that the thumb of the left hand was not fully innerved and did not bend. He underwent surgery to move one of the nerves to improve the thumb. It helped to some extent, but not fully and the thumb still did not regain its full grip. So he practiced strenuously, went to special rehabilitation activities, gradually expanding its dexterity, but unfortunately the thumb did not regain full mobility. At that time Kacper also began to pay attention to the body weight, so important in climbing. He changed his dietary tastes (also thanks to Natalia partly) by choosing vegetarian dishes rather than meat. He analysed the composition of dishes, calculated calories, as a result of which he lost kilograms to finally reach a weight of 77 kg with a height of 187 cm.
Natalia and Kacper had known each other for nine years. First as campers in Porzecze. Kacper tried to replace her at night watch so she could have more sleep. Sometimes he would swap plates, give her better portions, and as she recalls, he never said anything. Later on, after the camp had ended, they bumped into each other somewhere, even saw once or twice, but then he seemed too quiet for her…
They were seeing each other regularly for the last three years. Kacper always brought her beautiful apples... They found more and more common themes. Gradually they started making plans for the future. They wanted to be together. Recently, in their apartment a small hamster appeared, for which Kacper arranged a real kingdom. For Natalia Kacper was a picture of kindness, peace and responsibility.
After his death, I received numerous text messages and emails expressing sympathy. Various prayer initiatives often undertaken by people we do not know have been a surprise. They prayed for him in homes and hospitals and even at the tomb of St. Peter at the Vatican. In the parish of St. Casimir in Zaspa, about 200 people of the Community of Divine Mercy sang a chaplet. The Marian Apostles throughout the country prayed for his happy eternity and the Immaculate’s care for the whole family. Masses were also celebrated for his intentions with Pallotins in Wrzeszcz, Zaspa, Sopot, Kalwaria Wielewska, Cracow, Czestochowa, Warsaw, Podhale and the papal "Ksiezowka" in Zakopane. Kacper was in everyone's hearts and on everyone's lips. His friends and acquaintances met and still meet to remember him, and in those difficult first days they helped Natalia and the family. They are also happy to share their memories and photos of their time spent together with Kacper. He is captured with his characteristic gentle smile in most of them…
There were also ambiguous situations, non-obvious signs giving hope for something more, signs like a white pigeon sitting on the church door, a butterfly on Natalia's hand, or a sudden gust of wind in the cemetery during the sounds of Kacper's favourite song played there.
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